Types Of Nut Crops Cultivated in Kenya: A Guide to Profitability

Are you contemplating venturing in nut crops farming in Kenya? But you don’t know which types of nut crops to grow on the soils of Kenya. 

Well, this article was designed to help you make an informed decision and succeed.

Honestly speaking, you will not go wrong if you engage in nut crops. Nut crops give good returns on investments. 

Let’s look at the types of nut crops cultivated in Kenya.

Are you in a hurry?

Here are the types of nut crops farmers grow in Kenya:

  1. Macadamia nuts
  2. Cashew nuts
  3. Groundnuts
  4. Coconuts

There are also emerging nut crops.

You can also try these emerging types of nut crops in Kenya:

  1. Almonds
  2. Pistachios

Overview of Kenya’s Nut Crop Industry

In Kenya, fields usually have a mix of various crops. And nuts stand out as a major contributor. Nut crops look small but they might kernels – they fuel Kenya’s economy engine.

So growing them will not only benefit you as an individual but the country as a whole.

That sounds interesting, right?

But how are they important in the economy?

Importance of Nut Crops in Kenya’s Agriculture and Economy

Well, you may think they are just used as snacks – not just snacks, nuts are big business here! 

They inject a lot of money into our GDP. 

As a result, they ensure that farmers and those in the export game have a steady stream of income. 

Our nut crops, from the beloved cashews and macadamias to the humble peanuts, are essential players in sustaining Kenya’s agriculture sector.

Major Types of Nut Crops in Kenya

Macadamia nuts

Growing regions and suitable conditions

Just like other crops, Macadamia does not do well in all regions. 

It does well in central and eastern Kenya. These areas provide the perfect conditions that these nut trees love.

So, people who live in these regions are fortunate. They can take advantage of the prevailling conditions to grow Macadamia on a large scale.

Varieties cultivated in Kenya

There are different varieties of Macadamia. 

However, most of the local farmers cultivate Beaumont and Murang’a 20.

Why do they focus on Beaumont and Murang’a 20?  Each type brings something special to the table.

Cultivation Practices

All successful farmers have the same cultivation practices. Do you know what they do?

Well, a big part of successful macadamia farming involves maintaining rich and fertile soil.

They use either compost manure or inorganic fertilizers.

The farmers also ensure that the trees have enough space to grow.

Implement this and the results will really amaze you.

Harvesting and Processing

After the crop is ripe, its time to harvest it. The crop is harvested manually or mechanically. 

In other words, the picking of the nut involves a blend of manual labor and mechanical assistance.

So this makes the journey from tree to market much easier.

Market Demand (Local and Export)

Kenyan Macadamia nuts are of high quality – so they are in high liked in  European and Asian markets.

Thus farmers who produce quality Macadamia nuts have higher chances of making real money.

High quality Macadamia is a gold mine.

Profitability Analysis

  • Initial Investment Costs: It is important to note that setting a macadamia farm requires a cossal sums of money. You need saplings and to prepare the land.
  • Operational Expenses: As you run your farm, there will be ongoing costs – you need money for the day to day operations of the farm. You will need to pay workers, handle fertilization and pest control.
  • Yield Potential: Macadamia farming can be a lucrative business venture in Kenya. Guess what? Farmers can expect about 10-12 tons of nuts per hectare. 
  • Market Prices: The international craving for these nuts keeps market prices very appealing.
  • Profit Margins: Macadamia nuts are pricy. I think you drawn your own conclusion. What is the conclusion? Well,  high market prices mean farmers can enjoy attractive profit margins.

Challenges and Opportunities

Cultivating this crop comes with it a number of opportunities and also presents its own challenges. 

Farmers have an opportunity to make money because it is pricy. However, it also presents challenges – pests and price fluctuations.

These challenges, however, should help famers innovate and improve their farming practices.

Cashew Nuts

Cashew Nuts Production Areas

Where exactly are you based in Kenya? What nut crops grow well there? 

There are places in Kenya that cashew nuts grow well. Do you know what these places are?

Well, Kilifi and Kwale are the go-to places for cashew nuts – they have ideal conditions for growing cashew nuts. 

The salty sea air seems to be the secret ingredient that helps these nuts flourish.

Varieties and Cultivation Methods

Farmers are embracing improved cashew varieties – varieties that are resistant to diseases.

Don’t stick to traditional varieties.

As a farmer, your priority must be to keep your nuts healthy.

Farmers should not sticky to the old ways and methods of cultivating the crop.

Harvesting and Processing Techniques

When harvesting cashews, start with a manual pick. 

It all starts with a manual pick—climbing up the trees or giving them a good shake. 

Then, bring in the big guns: mechanical shelling machines that neatly crack open those tough shells.

Market Dynamics

Cashews are winning hearts everywhere—from local markets to international shelves. 

Honestly speaking, cashews are in high demand.

So farmers can make good money from cultivating nut crops.

Profitability Analysis

Production Costs

I think it is important to be sincere with people – growing cashews isn’t cheap. 

It requires a huge investment.

But why does it require huge investment?

Well, high costs come from both the materials needed and the hard-working men and women who attend to these trees.

Yield Expectations

Can you guess the yield expectations?

On average, each hectare can yield up to 2 tons of cashews. 

I think that’s a good yield in the nut world, not so?

Market Prices

Where do cashews stand in the market? 

Do they fetch a lot of money?

Honestly speaking, you can realize a lot of money from selling cashews – so its worth the investment.

They’re like the sought-after tickets to the big game, especially overseas.

Profit Margins

You cannot get rich overnight by cultivating cashews. However, cashew farmers have something to make them smile.

I would say the current profits are fair.  

With continued efforts, cashew farmers’ wallets might just get a bit heavier in the future.

Industry Revival Efforts and Future Prospects

We hope to see more cashews being produced in the near future.

What makes us to be optimistic?

The reason is simple ….

Well, the government and private players are rolling up their sleeves to increase cashew production. 

More trees, finer techniques, and a whole lot of nuts—this is really  the vision for a bustling cashew future!

Thus we expect more cashews in the near future.

Groundnuts (Peanuts)

Growing Regions

Many farmers grow peanuts in Kenya. Farmers like groundnuts because their adaptability.

So if you are looking for nuts that are adaptable, try to cultivate groundnuts.

Varieties Cultivated

Farmers in Kenya are savy in their peanut cultivation. They grow both local varieties and high yielding varieties. 

I encourage farmers to grow high yielding varieties. Do you know why they are better than local varieties?

They give high yields.

Farming Practices

In peanut farming, farmers need to focus on crop rotation and pest management.

Why are crop management and pest management critical?

They ensure that plants stay healthy and productive.

Uses and Market Demand

It is important to note that peanuts are more than just a snack.

They’re a staple in cooking and a key ingredient in oil production.

What is interesting is that their market demand keeps rising. 

So it is worth investing in peanuts.

Profitability Analysis

  • Input Costs:  I think there is one important aspect you did not know – the cost of growing peanuts is relatively low. So this makes them an attractive crop compared to other nuts.
  • Yield Potential: I like the yields – farmers can expect impressive yields. The potential output is usually up to 1.5 tons per hectare.
  • Market Prices: It is also important to note that the market for peanuts is stable. It has been experiencing a steady rise in demand.
  • Profit Margins: Profits are generally good and can increase significantly with value-added products. So value addition can increase your profits.

Challenges in Production and Marketing

Farmers may face challenges but the hurdles are not insurmountable with strategic planning and innovation.

The most common challenges farmers face include diseases, and access to broader markets.

Like I said these challenges are manageable – they can be managed with proper interventions.


Coastal Cultivation Areas

Coconuts thrive main along the coastal belt.

This is where the sandy soils and salty breezes create ideal conditions for growth.

Varieties and Cultivation Practices

Coconuts have a variety of hybrids. 

These varieties are developed to thrive in coastal climates. They offer flexibility and resilience in their growth.

Multiple Uses and Products

One thing Ilike about coconuts is that they are versatile. 

They can be consumed fresh, processed into oil, or used to make coir products among numerous other uses.

Market Demand for Various Coconut Products

The demand for coconut products is high – both locally and internationally.

Clearly, this reflects something.

It reflects  their widespread popularity and utility.

Profitability Analysis

Initial Investment

While the initial cost can be high due to the expense of planting materials, it’s a worthwhile investment considering the returns.

Generally, the initial investment is fair.

Maintenance Costs

Good news is that once established, the maintenance costs for coconut cultivation are relatively low.

This gives farmers another reason to invest in coconuts.

Yield and Product Diversification

Coconuts give a high yield and they can also be diversified into various products. 

This makes coconuts a lucrative agricultural venture.

Market Prices for Different Products

Market prices for coconut-based products are generally good.

This gives farmers hope that they will get a good return on their investment.

So if you are planning to cultivate coconuts, just know that your investment is worth it – you will not make a loss.

Overall Profitability

Coconut is on high demand. This makes coconut cultivation is highly profitable. 

So coconut production is really profitable.

Potential for Value Addition

Here is the good news!

There is significant potential for adding value to coconut products.

Thus, this can further enhance profitability in this vibrant market sector.

Emerging Nut Crops in Kenya


Potential Growing Regions

Almonds give high yields in cooler highland regions. The crisp, fresh air seems to bring out the best in the nuts!

Market Opportunity

Today, people know the health benefits almonds. So the market demand for coconuts is growing almost daily.

This increase in market demand opens a fantastic opportunity for growers to tap into this market.

Profitability Projections

Generally, the outlook for almond profitability looks promising. 

However, you need to break into the market and capture consumer interest to succeed.

As evidence shows that success hinges on breaking into the market and capturing consumer interest.


Experimental Cultivation

It is important to note that pistachios are currently undergoing experimental cultivation across a variety of ecological zones, just to explore new frontiers for growth.

Market Potential

The appetite for pistachios is expanding, especially in gourmet food circles, making them a trendy choice for the discerning palate.

Profitability Estimates

Profitability from pistachios could be quite lucrative, provided these cultivation trials prove successful. 

Factors Influencing Nut Crop Profitability in Kenya

Key factors include climate, soil conditions, pest and disease management, access to quality planting materials, harvesting techniques, processing capabilities, market access, price fluctuations, government policies, and support.


Investing in Kenya’s nut crop industry offers promising returns, especially with strategic market positioning and adherence to best agricultural practices.

Adhere to the best agricultural practices. Honestly speaking, investing in Kenya’s nut crop industry offers promising returns. So it is worth the effort.

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